Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor 3.0 - Read me first please Runtime Revolution Ltd February 12th March Welcome to the free trial of Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor, our multi award winning touch typing tutor. Learning to touch type allows you to get the most out of your computer. Whether you use a computer at home, in the office or in school, typing will make you faster and more efficient. Ten Thumbs makes it fun and easy, teaching you everything you need to know, step by step. Your new skill will save you time, every time you use a computer. Don't delay, learn today - its worth it! Ten Thumbs is suitable for adults or children, at home or in the office. Using the information which you give in the Quiz when you first use the program, Ten Thumbs tailors a typing course suitable for you whether you are a beginner or already a touch typist. We recommend that when you start the package for the first time, you have a few minutes to spare. Ten Thumbs really does make it easy - many users have finished the whole course in under ten days. The course is fully self-explanatory, with instructions provided throughout the course and in the Help section inside the program. The free trial version will allow you to learn the first third of the keyboard as a beginner, or start as an advanced user. The trial works for ten days after you first run it. Version 3.0 has a complete redesign of the interface from the previous version with new illustrations, backgrounds and layouts. There are some structural changes to the introduction quiz, bug fixes and other minor improvements. Version 2.4.1 is a free update to version 2.4 with a number of minor enhancements and bug fixes. Version 2.4 is a free update to version 2.2 or later. It contains improvements in the way passwords are handled, to the way the certificate is displayed, extra teacher options to control student access to games and save student files in the users home directory and other bug fixes and minor improvements. Version 2.3.3 is a free update to version 2.3.x with a number of minor enhancements and bug fixes. It adds compatibility with the latest Mac OS X version and should now work correctly in a multiplatform network where student files are saved on a shared volume. If you are installing Ten Thumbs on a multiplatform network be sure to use the latest version of Ten Thumbs on all platforms (2.3.3 on Mac OS X; 2.2.3 on Windows, Linux and Mac OS 'Classic'). Version 2.2 supports network installation, and has a few other minor improvements and enhancements. Version 2.1 has all new illustrations, bug fixes, some new features and several under the hood improvements. Registration: Registration is just $25.95. Upgrade from a version earlier than 3.0 for only $8.95. You may register online at: http://www.tenthumbstypingtutor.com/buy.html System requirements for Ten Thumbs: PC Edition: * 486 or above (Pentium recommended) * Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP * Sound card recommended * QuickTime 4 or later is required to hear music in the games Mac OS edition: * Any PPC Macintosh (G3 preferred) * QuickTime 4 or later is required to hear music in the games Mac OS X edition: * Mac OS 10.1.3 or later. Linux Edition: * Xanim is required to play music in the games All editions: * 256 or better color display with 800 by 600 resolution * 16 MB free RAM * British or U.S. keyboard Note that Ten Thumbs requires your display to be set to 800x600 or higher. Most computers are capable of setting the display to this resolution, but some may not be set like this at the factory. If Ten Thumbs tells you your resolution is not high enough, you can try to change the settings using the instructions below. To change your monitor settings on a PC: * Click the Start menu and go to settings. * Choose "Control panel". * Open "Display" and press the "Settings" tab. * In the area marked "Display Area" drag the slider to show 800 by 600 resolution or higher *If 800x600 is not available, try switching to 256 colors first To change your monitor settings on a Mac: * Use the Control Strip (if installed) Or, on Mac OS 9: * Choose "Control panels" from the Apple menu. * Open "Monitors" * Select 800x600 from the list of possible Resolution settings *If 800x600 is not available, try switching to 256 colors first Or, on Mac OS X: * Choose "System Preferences" from the Apple Menu. * Click on "Displays" * Choose 800x600 or higher from the list of available resolutions. Trouble shooting: Ten Thumbs has been designed to be as easy to operate and error free as possible. In the unlikely event you do have difficulty, check the system requirements above to make sure your computer can run Ten Thumbs. Also check out the "Known Bugs" section below. If installing Ten Thumbs on a network, there are various issues you need to be familiar with. These are detailed in the Help section inside the program. If you still have problems, please contact us using one of the addresses below. Known Bugs: Windows Edition Ten Thumbs is good at exposing bugs in the drivers for graphics cards. These problems seem to be most frequent in Windows 98, but can affect any Windows system. The most common symptom are images that draw in the wrong colors or reversed. Be sure you have the latest drivers from the vendor of your graphics card. If the problem still exists with those, try running your monitor in a different number of colors, and turning acceleration to its lowest level. If that doesn't fix the problem (or even if it does), please report this bug to the vendor of your graphics card. Ten Thumbs displays the @ symbol on the QWERTY keyboard as the partner to the quote key. This problem is purely cosmetic and does not affect the learning process. It will be fixed in a future release. All Editions Student files created in a previous version of Ten Thumbs can be used in version 2.4. If they were created in version 2.3 or later then copying the student files directly into the "students" folder in the "Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor" folder of version 2.4 will allow access to them within the program. Students created in a version of Ten Thumbs before 2.3 need to be exported by the earlier version and imported by the latest version. This is done using the "Export" and "Import" buttons on the "welcome" screen of each version. Changing the monitor resolution whilst Ten Thumbs is running may cause strange behavior. Ten Thumbs must not be open when you switch display modes. If you have discovered a bug, please let us know! Support contact details: We welcome all comments, questions and suggestions you may have. Please visit our web site at: http://www.tenthumbstypingtutor.com/ Please register at: http://www.tenthumbstypingtutor.com/buy.html Email us at: tenthumbs@runrev.com Fax us on: +44 (0)845 458 8487 Write to us at: Ten Thumbs, Runtime Revolution Ltd, 91 Hanover Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1DJ, UK We regret we are unable to give technical support over the phone. Thanks for reading this Readme. Enjoy learning to type!